App website (self-assertion) [website]
White paper, accessed with Google Translate, and White paper (English) (self-assertion) [whitepaper]
Github repositories (self-assertioninference) [github]
Blog post by Thai Duong and resulting discussion here (inference) [vnhacker-fixed-id]
Discussion in response to this issue filed on Github, accessed with Google Translate (self-assertioninference) [github-documents-issue-3]
Discussion on the problem with fixed Contact IDs in response to this issue filed on Github, accessed with Google Translate (self-assertioninference) [github-react-native-bluetooth-scan-issue-4]
Issue with generating predictable Contact IDs (inference) [github-react-native-bluetooth-scan-issue-2]
App Assay: technical analysis (inference) [technical-analysis]
Invocation of Cloud Component API (self-assertion) [api-invocation]
Discussion on Hacker news (inference) [hacker-news]
Issue with generating random IDs (inference) [github-react-native-bluetooth-scan-issue-5]
Discussion MAC Address randomization for Bluetooth on Stackoverflow [bt-address-randomization]
Wikipedia entry on Viettel (inference) [wikipedia-viettel]